Our research platform is a pan-India data collation and analysis resource which helps us and our clients stay in constant touch with developments across various markets. Cityinfo’s research practice is aligned to our core belief that intelligent and updated insights drive success in structuring smart solutions.
We have made the conscious effort to build this pan-India platform and equip the same with a wide variety of tools and techniques to translate data inputs into actionable insights.
The coverage of Cityinfo’s research platform includes:
Inventory Tracking: constantly updated databases of diverse facilities and business parks with status of tenancy & occupancy
Supply-Demand Trends Analysis: detailed analysis of inventory and availability to draw trends on supply-demand equations within various markets and micro-markets
Talent Trends: mapping talent preferences and availability relevant to diverse sectors across micro-markets and locations
Financial Trends: rental and sale value data collation and analysis to develop detailed patterns of factors that impact commercial viability